Friday, November 9, 2012

Don't get mad at your crush if they don't know

Originally posted January 23, 2007 on which I am determined to make popular.  And if it does I expect an endorsement!

So there's this guy.. we'll call him Bob. So Bob is a sweet enough guy. I mean I had thought he had a crush on me once last year during musical (drat choir and it's insipid drama..) but I had been wrong... blah blah blah I will spare you the details. Anyways I guess he has a crush on me and I get a dirty note today, I haven't verified is actually from him mind you, but I get a dirty note saying how I am a terrible person and how I don't even notice when a person and I quote "is fond of you" and on and on and on... Now I understand we're in highschool... But are you seriously going to try to woo me through nasty letters? Honestly... I mean I haven't had a boyfriend I'll admit in about a little over a year... because well, I don't have the time or money to. Not to mention I've never really been into the whole "going out" scene... I'm more of a dating type girl. But not the point... so I'm not exactly one of those people that catches the subtle hints. I think I'm excellent at giving them since every time I try to subtly hint something it goes completely over the person's head. But I'm a hypocrite in that way. It just makes me confused that the first I hear of this crush from Joe is from this letter attacking me. I hate drama... see? This is why I joined an Anti-Social Network... give me a guy who doesn't talk, who enjoys all movies, and chocolate and doesn't write you mean immature notes, and I will show you the way to a beautiful relationship.

UPDATE:  Since I wrote this back in high school I have since found my perfect man, he does talk, but he's incredible smart, unbelievably handsome, amazingly talented, and has a genius IQ.  Basically he's outta my league and I tricked him into loving me.  ;)  I'm a lucky lucky woman

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